Saturday, June 30, 2007

I've got nothin'.

Probably no posts for a while I have no photo's that I want to post.

Check back.

Saturday, June 23, 2007

Corner Tree

Tree, originally uploaded by Justin Marshall.

Thursday, June 21, 2007


Treeshroom, originally uploaded by Justin Marshall.

Im getting really close to having no photo's that I want to post. I need a camera.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


Sky, originally uploaded by Justin Marshall.

I'm running out of photos to post.

SO, here's one of the sky!

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


Pipes, originally uploaded by Justin Marshall.

So this is today's photo. I really want to get out and take some more photo's. BUT I have no camera. so no.

I'm starting to really wish I had my own. And I REALLY want the Nikon D40X now. Like right now. I want to go get it.

Monday, June 18, 2007


No Idea, originally uploaded by JustinMarshall.

I have no idea what this stuff is....haha.

Sunday, June 17, 2007


Lampost, originally uploaded by JustinMarshall.

I am thinking about getting the Nikon D40x....I need a dslr.

Friday, June 15, 2007


Stream, originally uploaded by JustinMarshall.

Well seeing as it's the 15th now, here's todays photo.

After posting my last three photos, four if you include this one, I've come to decide that the photos in my first post look like poop. Which means I must have improved.

Thursday, June 14, 2007

No Camera?

For the next month I have no camera. So I'll be posting whatever pictures I have that are worthy.


Wednesday, June 13, 2007


I-Beam, originally uploaded by JustinMarshall.

When I was taking this photo it reminded me of when I used to go up north, there was an old train bridge that we would jump off of into the lake. I remembered the smell. It's a mix of iron, rust, oil and who knows what else, it's so distinct.

I'll never forget it.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

High Voltage

High Voltage, originally uploaded by JustinMarshall.

Oh the downsides of having a dog. Early mornings.

Since I was up I decided to post another photo from yesterday, and I'll probably post another one later.

Electric Pole

Electric Pole, originally uploaded by JustinMarshall.

I took pictures in that park again today. This is one of my favourites.

Saturday, June 9, 2007

First day of photography.

Today I woke up and wanted to take pictures. I am no photographer, but I decided that I would go to the park near my house and see what happens. And I had alot of fun with it, and I surprised myself with some of the pictures.

Below are a few of the best ones that I took.

For some reason the ones that have a longer width got cut off. So click on them to see the full size. Just so you know.

Iris Sanguinea, originally uploaded by wordxcore.

Lifering, originally uploaded by wordxcore.

Water, originally uploaded by wordxcore.

-Untitled-, originally uploaded by wordxcore.

Aquafina, originally uploaded by wordxcore.

Rocks, originally uploaded by wordxcore.